I Left My Heart and My Shoes In Italy

    It was the trip of a lifetime for M and I, our first trip to Europe together! We started in Rome, with a 9 am tour of the Vatican on our first day there, after a huge latte (they don’t do the half skim half soy extra shot run through twice…stuff) and prosciutto and mozzarella with fresh basil on crusty bread.  What? Yes an entire sandwich for breakfast, you’re allowed to do that over there.

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Weird Experience BRA None

Being a woman has it’s privileges. In fact it’s magical, as we all learned in junior high during the one hour film “You and Your Body.” That’s where we learned that one day our bodies would change forever but not to worry. IT’S PERFECTLY NORMAL.

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amy koko
I'm Really APPLYING Myself

When it comes to applying for jobs, I can’t seem to stop myself— I try and try and then try again. As a midlife woman, it’s like a form of self punishment I guess. Rather than overeat (unless I’m at a bbq and there’s kettle chips or artichoke dip) or hoard years and years of newspapers and Publix coupons, I search the Indeed job site everyday and talk myself into believing I can get one.

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Love, Honor, and Obedience School

  My judgment day is far from over as I learned the other night in dog obedience school. That’s right, Reuben and I are in obedience school and there have been noticeable changes: 1. I have had to refill my old Xanax prescription and 2. Reuben has gained five pounds from me having to treat him each time he takes a single step otherwise he sits down and barks at me. In front of everyone.

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amy koko
Happy New What?

If you are newly divorced, then while people around you are gearing up for a great new year and setting goals and blah blah blah, you might be thinking: What’s next for me? What can I look forward to other than being that extra person at the dinner party who is seated next to the hostess’ brother because his wife just ran off with her spin instructor and hey, you guys will have something to talk about. He will look at you mid-bite of the kale caesar and say, “I just didn’t see it coming? Did you see it coming? I didn’t see it coming,” as he bites down on a crouton.

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